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The right amount of agile for your vision.

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Agile solutions for companies

Agile Coach
Scrum Master
Agile Transformation,
Agile Project Management
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Suitable agile solutions for companies.

The suitable agile solutions for companies.


on methods, frameworks, and processes that align with your goals and challenges:


Scrum | SAFe | LeSS

OKR | Agile Leadership | Kanban

Empowering & Supporting

you on your journey to embracing an agile mindset:


Agile Coaching | Workshops (Design Thinking, Lego Serious Play…) | Trainings | Mentoring

Implementing & Embedding

with our competent support, you can navigate through times of consistently high workload with ease:


Scrum Master | Agile Consultants

Take a look at our product catalog.

Take a look at our product catalog.

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There is a wealth of theoretical material available. For practical insights, be sure to visit our blog.

What is agile project management?

Do you have to work with Scrum to be agile?

„We are agil! We can call out new requirements to our developers at any time, which then...

4 minutes to read

When is Scrum appropriate, and when is it not?

In conversations with other companies, I often hear statements like 'We work with Scrum. That...

3 minutes to read

Scrum – a new way of teamwork.

Before we dive into working with Scrum, let's start with the basics in this blog post...

3 minutes to read

How does the Scrum sprint planning process work?

On your marks, get set, go and into the sprint we go! Or would you prefer to make a plan? Next ...

5 minutes to read

What does Agile development mean, and why do we need it?

The term 'project management' is nowadays almost a dusty, outdated term...

4 minutes to read

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Whether you're a seasoned pro or completely new to the concept, the After Work Open Space event is dedicated entirely to the topic of AGILE.

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I'm looking forward to get in touch with you.

Katarina Ludwig
Team leader of Agile project management
Katarina Ludwig

Call right away

Telephone: +49 171 5384031